Gorczyca & Son Brangus
Performance cattle for you, in the show ring or in the pasture!
Gorczyca and Son Brangus was born in 1990 in Central Oklahoma in a small rural community of Harrah, Oklahoma. Harrah is located just 30 minutes east of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and 40 minutes south of Stillwater, Oklahoma on the west side of Highway 177. In 1990 Jack purchased 12 registered Brangus pairs from Donica Brothers Brangus. Jack had been raised exhibiting and breeding Hereford cattle his whole life. He didn't think anything could surpass Herefords, until weaning rolled around and Jack compared the Brangus calves to the Herefords and saw the size and weight difference and the additional growth that the Brangus possessed. This is when the endless love for the Brangus Breed begin as pounds correlate to dollars in the bank.
Jack then started his search for a Brangus herd sire which would maintain maternal strengths as well as keeping performance as a plus. The sire which fit the bill was an Exacto Son out of the herd of Austin Kenyon. Next to be introduced into Gorczyca and Son Brangus was an intensive Artificial Insemination program in 1995. Jack realized this was the quickest way to change his herd genetically and help to move them to the next level that other breeders and commercial cowman constantly were searching to find.
Then embryo transfer made its way to the Gorczyca Brangus Ranch, where only the very best were chosen. This paid off great dividends with the Gorczyca family marketing cattle all over Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Louisiana, North Texas and South Texas, as well as, some even into Mexico.
The Gorczyca family made their way to their first Junior Brangus National in 2002 in Waco, Texas. They found a great group of people who all shared the same love for raising and showing quality Brangus cattle. This is when they became dedicated in trying to raise a great one for pasture performance and the show ring. Then in 2009 Gorczyca Brangus bred, raised, and exhibited the International Grand Champion Bull in Houston, Texas, as well as, producing the show bull of the year in 2009. This calf was a legendary BlackHawk son who made his place in the show ring, as well as, in the pasture of many commercial cattlemen.
The Legendary 747 Blackjet of 2009 is still producing progeny at 12 years of age in the pasture today. Longevity is one of the many traits that is selected at Gorczyca and Son Brangus.
The Gorczyca Brangus Ranch consist of approximately 100 registered Brangus females to where Quality, Longevity, Performance and Soundness are a must to remain in the herd. The Gorczyca's constantly are producing quality cattle for their customers, so feel free to stop and visit at the ranch in central Oklahoma anytime. Visitors are always welcome. Please visit our success page and see some of our most recent winners and let you next show heifer or herd sire wear the JG Brand Which Will Work For You!
Contact Us
Jack: 405-760-9057

Jack Gorczyca
100527 S. 3340 Rd. | Harrah, Oklahoma 73045
Cell : 405-760-9057 | Home: 405-964-5837 | Email: gorczycabrangus@juno.com
Website by Ranch House Designs, Inc.